For many years, the most common technology to add variable information, such as date and lot codes, serialization codes, etc., to metal cans has been continuous inkjet printing.
More recently, developments in fiber laser coding technology have allowed this modern, clean marking technique to be used for a wide range of applications, including coding on steel and aluminum cans.
ID Technology’s Macsa fiber laser system is the perfect solution for many of these applications.

Product Overview

Coding at High Speeds: Up to 150,000 cans per hour. (Assuming 100 Watt SPA-F100 Series laser is specified).
Zero Consumables: No inks to manage and store. No environmental issues with unsafe solvents that need to be managed, handled and disposed of.
High-Quality Permanent Marking: Guaranteed legibility, traceability, and security, even at exceptionally high speeds.
Designed for Demanding Environments: Operates in ambient temperatures from 41°F to 104°F.
Environmental Protection:: Controller cabinet IP55 (Optional IP65), Laser head IP65. Available integrated solution with full laser safety guarding, air conditioning, all to IP65.
Minimal Maintenance: Only maintenance is lens & filter cleaning. Reduces operating costs and improves equipment OEE.
Long Lifetime Laser Source: 100,000 hours MTBF to ensure uninterrupted production, even on the most demanding applications.
Solutions for:
Senior Leadership
Your Challenges:
- Limitations of legacy date coding systems are preventing your business from growing output.
- Downtime associated with coding equipment reduces your margins.
- Complaints that traceability codes can be easily removed from your products.
Our Solutions:
- The ID Technology can coding system is fast enough to meet growing production demands, while also providing exceptional print quality.
- Unlike legacy inkjet printers, ID Technology's Macsa lasers, need minimal maintenance, reducing downtime and improving efficiency.
- The code produced on your cans by a fiber laser coder is permanent - it can't be removed by washing or with solvents.
Operations Management
Your Challenges:
- As your company works on sustainability, chemicals in date coders can become an issue.
- Legacy inkjet printers are maintenance intensive and are expensive to keep operating.
- Maintaining print quality as line speeds increase is a constant QA challenge.
Our Solutions:
- Laser coders don't use chemicals or inks - no consumables reduced operating costs at the same time removing the need for hazardous chemicals and solvents.
- ID Technology can coding systems are designed to operate at the speeds of today's beverage canning lines while needing minimal maintenance. The only routine maintenance is
- Unlike inkjet printers that are susceptible to changes in ink viscosity, ambient temperatures, and other variables, once a laser coder is set up, it produces a repeatable high-quality print every time. Happy QA people!
Operators & Technicians
Your Challenges:
- High-speed date coding equipment often needs adjustments from time to time to continue producing a high-quality code.
- Downtime is often caused by having to clean or service legacy inkjet coders.
- Training from manufactures is not always helpful for maintenance techs and line operators
Our Solutions:
- Once a laser coder is set up, it produces repeatable prints every time - no need to worry about changes in room temperature or varying ink viscosity.
- A laser coding system doesn't produce e a mess and needs minimal routine maintenance - just replacing filters and cleaning the lens from time to time.
- ID Technology field service technicians are all graduates of the PMMI's Certified Trainer program. You can be assured that expert, focused training will be provided for both maintenance and production staff.
Contact an ID Technology Account Manager
Ready to improve your production output and operational efficiency? Contact an ID Technology account manager today to learn how our labeling and coding automation solutions will increase your throughput and improve your bottom line.